Youth Advisory Panel

The Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) was launched in August 2024 and its members are already helping to shape the Alton Renewal Plans. This group of young people, aged 10-18, meet once a quarter to discuss the plans, learn more about their local area, and share ideas. 

A poster advertising the launch of the Youth Advisory Panel

One of the posters that was used as part of the campaign to encourage young people to come along and get involved in helping to shape the design of the Alton Renewal.


Three people are pictured standing in front of Alton Renewal information boards


The Youth Advisory Panel was launched very successfully on Saturday 10th August 2024. The event was attended by Wandsworth Youth Mayor Millie Quinn and Deputy Youth Mayor Favour Oniri.

Young people are pictured working at a table.

First workshop event takes place

Some of the Youth Advisory Panel members are pictured here participating in their first workshop.

Members of the Youth Advisory Panel are pictured here, standing around a table examining objects, at the second workshop event

Helpful feedback was collected during the second YAP workshop 

Members of the Youth Advisory Panel are pictured here at the second workshop event, which took place in December 2024. Attendees assisted the design team with the selection of proposed materials for use on new features at Downshire Field.

The participants' hard work was rewarded at the end of the session with pizza and drinks.

Workshop participants are pictured standing around a table, examining objects on a table and writing notes

Choosing materials from the designers' palette

Youth Advisory Panel members were asked to review a selection of different materials that could be used on totem poles located in Downshire Field. They were asked to consider the different textures, colours and patterns available for this purpose.

A photograph showing sample materials laid out on a table, with written comments and notes around them

Explaining the rationale behind their choices

To help explain the material choices they had made, the YAP members were asked to write down what feelings and emotions the various colours and textures inspired.

Comments included "powerful", "agile" and "evolving".